Tonight I had a little going away party...it was a hectic day but nice to have a chance to wind down and visit before I leave tomorrow. My grandparents, Susan and Denis, gave me two books, The Midwifes Hand Book, published by the Hesperian Foundation in both English and Spanish. My first textbooks for school! They will end up being a key asset as I start working in the clinic speaking only a few words of Spanish!!
Hi Meg:
Grandma and I are so proud of you and your step of faith to go to Honduras to learn Spanish AND to experience childbirth.
We know at the end of four months that not only will you be fluent in the language BUT you will also know if your chosen career path is right for you.
Remember what we have shared with you before.......God gave you to your mum and to us as a gift and He is with you all the time. Look at the miracle of a child being created and brought into this world. It is amazing EVERY time.
Keep safe to-day and tomorrow as you travel, as well as all the time you are away. We will pray for you every day for good health. Have loads and loads of fun and keep us up to date on your blog.
We love you lots and lots.
Grandma and Grumpa
Glad you arrived safely. I spoke with you at about 3pm our time and you were sounding pretty sleepy. I'm sorry Maritza woke you up from your slumber. I hope you are able to sleep well tonight. Buenas Noches Hija!
Last night the two midwifery books both in spanish and english came in handy! Maritza and I were able to talk about births and teach each other some words in our own languages!!!
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