Tomorrow I head to the boarder and onwards to my new home. Its strange thought, leaving B.C, especially having spent a few days with Kate here in the Kootneys. The wilderness, the green, the tree’s and picking carrots from the garden all feel so right, I feel so at home. I know now for sure that I don’t belong in the city, that I conform to it too much and feel so much better when I’m rolling in the mud. The transformation that I have seen in Kate after her spending these past weeks living on Hollow Frog Farm is truly amazing. She has taken on a such a lig
and breaking away from the structure that has been ruling her life these last years. I am so thankful that we’ve had this time together. As she put it so eloquently this afternoon while we were lounging on the river bed in the wetlands “we are just being” and what a fantastic thing that is....
Before I left the city Emma and I went swimming down at Wreck beach. I swam way out and was struck with what surrounded me. I began crying feeling as though I had forgotten how to appreciate the beauty around me. I also recognized the strain that working in the DTES has done to me. When I realized that I would be able to come back to B.C and appreciate it in a whole new capacity which will be facilitated as a midwife my spirits soared. A seal appeared shortly after watching me with its big, oily eyes breathing heavily as the rain fell down around us. Its been good to reconnect with the spirit behind what I have been working so hard for.
Kate is making salad dressing as a write. The sky is blue marked by the towering dark tree’s surrounding this cozy home in the forest. Tomorrow I hit the road and just keep going. I’m attempting to capture this moment, this feeling of serene grounded freedom before I begin speeding transcontinental.....
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